In this Exercise you will be given some data about some purchases done through Amazon! Just go ahead and follow the directions and answer the questions and complete the tasks.
Also note that all of these questions can be answered with one line of code.
Import pandas and read in the Ecommerce Purchases csv file and set it to a DataFrame called ecom.
#importing numpy and pandas package
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#reading 'Ecommerce Purchases' file with the help of pandas method read_csv() to ecom dataframe
ecom = pd.read_csv('Ecommerce Purchases')
Check the head of the DataFrame.
#printing head of dataframe using head() method
Address | Lot | AM or PM | Browser Info | Company | Credit Card | CC Exp Date | CC Security Code | CC Provider | Job | IP Address | Language | Purchase Price | ||
0 | 16629 Pace Camp Apt. 448\nAlexisborough, NE 77... | 46 in | PM | Opera/9.56.(X11; Linux x86_64; sl-SI) Presto/2... | Martinez-Herman | 6011929061123406 | 02/20 | 900 | JCB 16 digit | | Scientist, product/process development | | el | 98.14 |
1 | 9374 Jasmine Spurs Suite 508\nSouth John, TN 8... | 28 rn | PM | Opera/8.93.(Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; en-US) Pr... | Fletcher, Richards and Whitaker | 3337758169645356 | 11/18 | 561 | Mastercard | | Drilling engineer | | fr | 70.73 |
2 | Unit 0065 Box 5052\nDPO AP 27450 | 94 vE | PM | Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT ... | Simpson, Williams and Pham | 675957666125 | 08/19 | 699 | JCB 16 digit | | Customer service manager | | de | 0.95 |
3 | 7780 Julia Fords\nNew Stacy, WA 45798 | 36 vm | PM | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_0 ... | Williams, Marshall and Buchanan | 6011578504430710 | 02/24 | 384 | Discover | | Drilling engineer | | es | 78.04 |
4 | 23012 Munoz Drive Suite 337\nNew Cynthia, TX 5... | 20 IE | AM | Opera/9.58.(X11; Linux x86_64; it-IT) Presto/2... | Brown, Watson and Andrews | 6011456623207998 | 10/25 | 678 | Diners Club / Carte Blanche | | Fine artist | | es | 77.82 |
How many rows and columns are there?
#using shape function we got the number of row and column and storing it to a list and than printing
row_col = ecom.shape
print("Number of rows:",row_col[0])
print("Number of Column:",row_col[1])
Number of rows: 10000 Number of Column: 14
What is the average Purchase Price?
#using mean() method getting average of Purchase Price
pur_avg = ecom['Purchase Price'].mean()
print("Average Purchase Price:",pur_avg)
Average Purchase Price: 50.347302
What were the highest and lowest purchase prices?
#getting highest purchase price using max() method
pur_max = ecom['Purchase Price'].max()
print("Highest purchase prices:",pur_max)
Highest purchase prices: 99.99
#getting lowest purchase price using min() method
pur_min = ecom['Purchase Price'].min()
print("Lowest purchase prices:",pur_min)
Lowest purchase prices: 0.0
How many people have English 'en' as their Language of choice on the website?
#Getting number of people who speak any language using value_counts() method and storing to a variable
lan = ecom['Language'].value_counts()
#using get() function finding number of people who speak english
en_count = lan.get(key = 'en')
print("People choose English Language:",en_count)
People choose English Language: 1098
How many people have the job title of "Lawyer" ?
#Getting number of people of differnt job titles using value_counts() method and storing to a variable
job = ecom['Job'].value_counts()
lawyer_count = job.get(key = 'Lawyer')
#using get() function finding number of people who are 'Lawyer'
print("Lawyer job title:",lawyer_count)
Lawyer job title: 30
How many people made the purchase during the AM and how many people made the purchase during PM ?
#Getting number of people who prchase in AM or PM using value_counts() method and storing to a variable
am_pm = ecom['AM or PM'].value_counts()
#using get() function finding number of people who purchase during 'AM'
am = am_pm.get(key='AM')
#using get() function finding number of people who purchase during 'PM'
pm = am_pm.get(key='PM')
print("Purchase during the AM:",am,"\nPurchase during the PM:",pm)
Purchase during the AM: 4932 Purchase during the PM: 5068
What are the 5 most common Job Titles?
#getting number of different job title and printing top 5
top_job = dict(ecom['Job'].value_counts()[0:5])
['Interior and spatial designer', 'Lawyer', 'Social researcher', 'Designer, jewellery', 'Purchasing manager']
Someone made a purchase that came from Lot: "90 WT" , what was the Purchase Price for this transaction?
#Getting the Purchase price for transaction who has lot='90 WT'
ecom[ecom['Lot']=="90 WT"]['Purchase Price']
513 75.1 Name: Purchase Price, dtype: float64
What is the email of the person with the following Credit Card Number: 4926535242672853
#Getting the number of people who had Credit Card Number: 4926535242672853
ecom[ecom["Credit Card"]==4926535242672853]['Email']
1234 Name: Email, dtype: object
How many people have American Express as their Credit Card Provider and made a purchase above $95 ?
#Getting the number of people who had American Express card and purchaseed more than $95
ecom[(ecom["CC Provider"]=="American Express") & (ecom["Purchase Price"]>95)].count()
Address 39 Lot 39 AM or PM 39 Browser Info 39 Company 39 Credit Card 39 CC Exp Date 39 CC Security Code 39 CC Provider 39 Email 39 Job 39 IP Address 39 Language 39 Purchase Price 39 dtype: int64
Hard: How many people have a credit card that expires in 2025?
#using a lamda function getting the 'CC Exp Date' which ends with '25' and getting a sum value
exp_2025 = sum(ecom["CC Exp Date"].apply(lambda x: x[3:])=='25')
print("Card that expires in 2025:",exp_2025)
Card that expires in 2025: 1033
Hard: What are the top 5 most popular email providers/hosts (e.g.,, etc...)
#getting number of different email providers and printing top 5
top_email = ecom["Email"].str.split('@').str[1].value_counts()[0:5]
['', '', '', '', '']